Conference proceedings
Quantum Dynamics of the Photodissociation of Hydrogen Halides in Rare Gas Matrices.
I. The Initial State
B. Schmidt, P. Jungwirth, and R. B. Gerber
in: "Femtochemistry - Ultrafast Chemical and Physical Processes in Molecular Systems" (ed. M. Chergui)
World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 637-640 (1996)Comment on Femtochemistry of Bimolecular Reactions from van der Waals Precursors versus Collision Pairs
P. Backhaus, J. Manz, and B. Schmidt
in: "Chemical Reactions and their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale" (eds. P. Gaspard and I. Burghardt)
Advances in Chemical Physics 101, 86-89 (1997)Comment on Photodissociation of HCl in HClArn clusters
B. Schmidt
in: "Dynamics of Electronically Excited States in Gaseous, Cluster and Condensed Media"
Faraday Discussion 108, 331-333 (1997)Alignment and Orientation of Molecules in Matrices
T. Kiljunen and B. Schmidt
in: "Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions" (eds. O. Kühn and L. Wöste)
Springer Series in Chemical Physics 87, 337-352 (2007)Metastable Conformational Structure and Dynamics:
Peptides between Gas Phase and Aqueous Solution
E. Meerbach, Ch. Schütte, I. Horenko, and B. Schmidt
in: "Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions" (eds. O. Kühn and L. Wöste)
Springer Series in Chemical Physics 87, 796-806 (2007)Adaptive spectral clustering for conformation analysis
F. Haack, S. Röblitz, O. Scharkoi, B. Schmidt, and M. Weber
in: "Proceedings of 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics" (eds. Th. E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and Ch. Tsitouras)
AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, 1585-1588 (2010)Building Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs for Mathematics and its Applications
B. Schembera, F. Wübbeling, Th. Koprucki, Ch. Biedinger, M. Reidelbach, B. Schmidt, D. Göddeke, and J. Fiedler
in: "1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI) - Connecting Communities (2023)" (eds. Y. Sure-Vetter and C. Goble)
Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 1, 29 (2023)Ontologies for Models and Algorithms in Applied Mathematics and Related Disciplines
B. Schembera, F. Wübbeling, H. Kleikamp, Ch. Biedinger, J. Fiedler, M. Reidelbach, A. Shehu, B. Schmidt, Th. Koprucki, D. Iglezakis, and D. Göddeke
in: "17th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (2023)" (eds. E. Garoufallou and F. Sartori)
Metadata and Semantic Research, pp. 161-168 (2024)Towards a Knowledge Graph for Models and Algorithms in Applied Mathematics
B. Schembera, F. Wübbeling, H. Kleikamp, B. Schmidt, A. Shehu, M. Reidelbach, Ch. Biedinger, J. Fiedler, Th. Koprucki, D. Iglezakis, and D. Göddeke
in: "18th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (2023)" (eds. M. Sfakakis, E. Garoufallou, M. Damigos, A. Salaba, and C. Papatheodorou)
Metadata and Semantic Research, pp. 95-109 (2025)